Understanding the OO | Part 4: OOFOS for all feet

Understanding the OO | Part 4: OOFOS for all feet

Have you ever wondered the differences between each OOFOS style? We’ve broken down all you need to know to find which “OO” is best for you.

When you go to buy footwear, whether athletic shoes or dress shoes, most of us take time to make sure the fit feels right. When selecting your OOFOS recovery shoes, that same care should be taken so you can have the best experience. Here are a few tips to help get the best fit for your feet.

  1. Feel is everything. We all have different gait patterns. Sometimes injuries alter your gait as the body compensates to avoid pain. For example, if you have plantar fasciitis on one foot, you may begin compensating by transferring the weight to the other foot, often creating an imbalance in gait pattern and misalignment in your posture. This can transfer more pressure to the knees hips and back and often create compensatory pains through different parts of the body.
  2. Get the most out of arch support. When sizing for any OOFOS, make sure the arch of the footbed fits comfortably under the arch of your foot. If the arch feels especially pronounced, give your foot a little time to wake up and appreciate the support of the arch. Many shoes are made of harder materials that hold the foot in a more rigid position. This can make deep (intrinsic) muscles of the feet get lazy and weak. OOFOS wakes them up and helps support all the structures of the feet.
  3. Don’t force it! Our OOfoam material is supportive and will not stretch very much with wear. Never force the foot into a tight shoe. Just try a size up!

Let’s take a closer look at our styles:

OOriginal Collection: Named as our first and original piece of footwear, this OOFOS design is the one that started our recovery story. The OOriginal & OOriginal Sport fit identically.

  • Thong Style with a toe post designed to keep the foot over the arch and help minimize lateral movement.
  • Unisex last, best for average to wide foot widths

    OOahh Collection: This is our sport slide, popular with athletes and those who don’t want a toe post in the thong style. The OOahh & OOahh Sport fit identically.

    • Slide style ideal for slipping on quickly with or without socks
    • Unisex last, best for average widths. If you have narrow feet, try this style with a thick sock.

    OOlala: This thong style was designed to answer the request for a more stylish shoe for women.

    • Thong style with toe post.
    • Women’s last, best for average or narrow foot. The straps on this style are more narrow than the OOriginal, allowing the foot to move more.
    • If you’re looking for maximum support, try our OOriginal collection.

      OOcloog: This clog style was designed to give more coverage.

      • Slip on style with an open back
      • Unisex last, best for average to wide foot widths.
      • If you have a wide foot or plan to wear your clogs with thick socks, you may be more comfortable in a size up.

        OOmg: This was our first fully closed shoe covering the toe and heel.

        • Slip on style with stretchy upper material and heel counter.
        • Men’s and women’s specific lasts, great for all foot widths.
        • If your toes are rubbing against the front of the shoe, try a size up.
        • If you have a wide foot that makes the upper material stretch out over the footbed, you may be more comfortable sizing up.

          Once again, your feet will give you the answers if you take the time to feel the fit. Because our OOfoam material allows the foot to move on all planes of motion over the footbed and the uppers of our shoes have various degrees of stretch, you want to make sure you are getting adequate support in all our shoe styles... so, feel your fit.

          When you’re in the style that best suits your needs, you’ll be “feeling the OO’ in no time. Remember, we are always here to help answer your fit questions so that you have the best “OOfeel” experience.


          You can find other posts in this series by clicking here: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3

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